
Trusted Domain registrar since 2006

FREE Email and Web Hosting with Every Registration!

Best Value for Domains

Domain Pricing

We provide domains with best DNS platform and value added services.

Are you still using HotMail, Yahoo, Gmail for your business email?
Get your domain today.

With every domain Free Email, DNS and DNSSEC
Domain TLDs

Why Choose FastMoose Domains

FREE Addons With Every Domain!

Free Email Accounts

Our domain names come with 1 email account with 1GB capacity. Establish your brand now!


Free DNSSEC Protection

DNSSEC protects against forged DNS answers. DNSSEC protected zones are digitally signed to ensure the DNS records received are identical to the DNS records published.

Free DNS Management

24/7 DNS Management

You are in control of your domain. We do not limit DNS function usage.

Fast Moose Domain Prices

Google Cloud Platform
Ripe NCC
Let's Encrypt